
First Impressions - SLOG #1

Hi. This is the first (real) blog that I have ever kept. (I don't consider having used Tumblr as "real" blogging, since most of the time I am simply sharing content that other users have created.) As someone who is not terribly mathematically inclined, but is interested in learning programming and computer science concepts the decision to take CSC165H "Mathematical Expression and Reasoning" was not an easy one to make. (Proofs are terrifying!) The horror stories from friends who have taken CSC165H in the year previous exacerbated my fears.

With the first week of lectures completed, and the second week of lectures beginning, I feel that my cold feet about logic are beginning to thaw. The instructor, Danny Heap, does an excellent and thorough job of explaining concepts. The pictorial, Venn diagram representation of statements were extremely helpful in representing intersecting sets. Although, it did take me at least half an hour to wrap my mind around the concept of necessitating unoccupied regions in Venn diagrams as opposed to, what I find to be more intuitive, occupied regions.

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